
Rapports et Études


Good Practice Guide: Adolescent HIV Programming - "This guide is one of a series of good practice guides, and contains information, strategies and resources to help HIV programmers implement HIV programming for adolescents.

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The living legacy of the Global Plan

UNAIDS - "The Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (JAIDS) has released a special supplement on the incredible journey of the Global plan towards the elimination of new HIV infections among children by 2015 and keeping their mothers alive (Global Plan), which documents the history of the Global Plan and outlines what the future holds as efforts to end AIDS among women, children and adolescents accelerate.

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When women lead, change happens.

UNAIDS - Indignation. Hope. These two words immediately come to my mind every time I address the issue of girls, women and HIV. Indignation that girls and women are still bearing the brunt of the AIDS epidemic. Women living with HIV face stigma and discrimination at the hands of family members, in communities, at the workplace and in health-care settings.

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Investir dans les Résponses Communautaires

The Global Fund Advocates Network - "Un investissement accru dans les réponses communautaires est requis pour mettre fin au sida. À cette fin, l’ONUSIDA indique que les investissements dans la mobilisation communautaire devront tripler pour atteindre 3 % et que les catalyseurs sociaux devront représenter 8 % des dépenses totales d’ici 2020. Cependant, une enquête a récemment révélé que 40% des organisations mandatées de mettre en œuvre des activités communautaires déclarent une diminution de leur financement depuis 2013.

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Engaging Communities is Critical in Every Step of Global Fund Processes

The Global Forum on MSM & HIV (MSMGF) - "Published by MSMGF this new review synthesizes good practices and proposes a series of strategic actions for the Global Fund in efforts to expand and enhance meaningful community engagement in all phases of its grants.

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