Thèmes et resources
Youth participation guide: Assessment, planning, and implementation

Youth participation guide: Assessment, planning, and implementation

The Youth Participation Guide seeks to increase the level of meaningful youth participation in reproductive health (RH) and HIV/AIDS programming at an institutional and programmatic level. The target audience of the training guides published by Family Health International includes senior and middle management, program managers, staff involved in implementing activities, and youth who may be engaged at all levels of an organization's work.

The Swahili proverb, "Youth development will be brought about by youth themselves," illustrates YouthNet's belief that only through active participation and empowerment will youth be able to make safe, informed, and responsible decisions regarding their reproductive health and to contribute effectively to programs. The introduction functions as a table of contents, explaining the overall Guide, with an easy-to-use flow chart and key boxed information. (2011)

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Youth participation guide Assessment, planning, and implementation.pdf — (148 kB)