
Rapports et Études


Champions come together to announce strengthened efforts for an AIDS-free generation in Africa

Johannesburg, 13 April 2015 - The Champions for an AIDS-Free Generation gathered together today to announce new efforts to ensure that all children in Africa are born free from HIV and that children living with HIV have access to life-saving treatment. Since young people continue to be deeply affected by the epidemic, the Champions also announced that they will add adolescents and HIV to their portfolio of work.

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WHO recommends 10 measurements for HIV epidemic

World Health Organisation (WHO), 11 May 2015 - WHO released new guidelines recommending simplified indicators to measure the reach of HIV services, and the impact achieved at both the national and global levels.

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Why we need to step up the HIV response quickly

World Health Organisation (WHO) 2015 - The enormous effort, resources and ingenuity directed at the epidemic over the past 15 years is paying off. Shadowing the gains, though, are three major challenges.

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Community must play a much greater role in HIV treatment delivery especially for people being left behind

UNAIDS 20 April 2015 - Strengthening and expanding community-based approaches to delivering HIV treatment is vital to the long-term success of the AIDS response, according to a report launched on 20 April by Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) and UNAIDS.

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