


The Future of the Swiss Engagement against Malaria

Malaria remains an important public health challenge and a main cause of morbidity and mortality in many countries. Therefore it is the major goal of the Swiss Engagement to support research and effective and sustainable interventions and strategies to further reduce malaria prevalence and incidence.

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Community participation in Public Health

Since the early 1970s, participatory approaches involving community members have been used in the public health sector as a strategy to improve the quality of health services as well as their accessibility. The approaches and their underlying concepts, frameworks and methods have varied greatly in past and present.

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Welt- Malaria- Tag 25. April 2015

Malaria gehört nach wie vor zu den gefährlichsten Infektionskrankheiten der Erde und jede Minute stirbt ein Kind an der Erkrankung. Der 25. April ist dem Andenken an all jene gewidmet, denen dieses grosse Leid widerfuhr und deren Leben durch Malaria zerstört wurde.

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16/12/2014 Conference 2015

This year’s annual aidsfocus conference will focus on vulnerable groups such as Sex workers, injecting drug users; migrants or prisoners.

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