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Toward zero new infections. The UK’s position paper on HIV and the developing world

In the new position paper, the UK confirms its commitment to the goal of reaching universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support. The main focus of the plan will be reducing new HIV infections among women and girls, ending paediatric AIDS, and addressing the TB epidemic - the leading cause of death among people living with HIV.

“We remain committed to the goals of universal access by 2015. To reach these we must address the challenges in varying HIV and TB epidemics:

• a step-change in prevention, and a reduction in costs of treatment, • political action on stigma and discrimination and work to reach key populations, • a rights-based approach, based on ‘know your epidemic and response’.

The UK contribution builds on our track record in:

• global promotion of evidence and policies for prevention, • supporting integrated country-owned approaches, • being a multilateral stakeholder and voice for key populations.

Our Strategic Priorities are:

• to significantly reduce infections, • to scale up access to diagnosis, treatment, care and support, • to significantly reduce stigma and discrimination.

DFID will work in fewer countries, focusing HIV-specific support where it is most needed - working through partners elsewhere. Bilateral support will focus on prevention, key populations and integrated services. We will use our multilateral engagement to drive results for HIV and TB. We will be a voice for key populations internationally.

The UK sees civil society as a crucial partner in achieving policy change, especially in concentrated epidemics, and will increasingly work with partners in the private sector to deliver results. DFID is a major supporter of research into HIV and TB, providing long-term predictable financing for technologies.

We will work for the following results: In Africa, we will help reduce new HIV infections by at least 500,000 among women - and among key populations in at least 6 countries. Support to the Global Fund will put 37,000 HIV-positive women with treatment to prevent transmission to their babies and 268,000 people with treatment. Work with the Clinton foundation will generate costsavings to buy medicines for 500,000 more people by 2015. Our focus on care and support will include cash transfers in at least 5 high-prevalence countries reaching at least 120,000 people affected by HIV. (DFID May 2011)

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