Chiffres actuels / statistiques

UNAIDS World AIDS Day Report | 2012

There were more than 700 000 fewer new HIV infections globally in 2011 than in 2001. Africa has cut AIDS-related deaths by one third in the past six years. And as services have been scaled up, uptake has followed. In fact, what had taken a decade before is now being achieved in 24 months. In the past two years there has been a 60% increase in the number of people accessing lifesaving treatment—8 million people are on antiretroviral therapy.

n most parts of the world we have seen a reduction in new HIV infections among young people. We have a special message to you. We can all see by the results that you already are “the change we want to see in the world”.

We want to know more about your aspirations and dreams. We urge you to continue to engage and lead—and we are counting on you to use your youth as best as you possibly can.

As we enter into the final years of working towards the Millennium Development Goals and the United Nations Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS, much remains to be done to reach our targets.

Treatment has not yet reached 7 million people. We have three years to eliminate all new HIV infections among children. The people who are most affected by HIV still experience marginalization and exclusion.

The results we have seen show us that the momentum of our collective political will and follow through can overcome the biggest of obstacles and challenges—even the shortness of time. It shows us that with our steadfast determination and compassion—that invisible cord that binds us to other human beings regardless of race, gender, personal status, religion or national borders—we can get results for all people.

The road from 2.5 million new HIV infections—the number in 2011—to zero new HIV infections is a long one, and there is a significant effort required to accelerate HIV prevention programmes. But the positive national trends for the most part compellingly indicate that with expanded and sustained HIV prevention and treatment programmes—that are evidence-informed and reach people at highest risk and need—rapid declines are possible.

UNAIDS World AIDS Day Report | 2012