
She Conquers in South Africa

She Conquers in South Africa

UNAIDS - "When she was four years old, Selokela Molamodi’s teacher asked the class what they wanted to be when they grew up. While her classmates volunteered more conventional professions, such as nurses, doctors and lawyers, Ms Molamodi’s answer, given with a fiery determination, was, “I want to be Minister of Education.”

Her love for education, and her characteristic fieriness, has stood 19-year-old Ms Molamodi in good stead. Last year she graduated top of her class, having been head girl in both primary school and high school. Armed with an unshakeable self-confidence and her core principles of transparency, honesty and humility, Ms Molamodi has avoided the fate of many young South African women—HIV infection, unintended pregnancy and an abandoned high school education."

(...) “There are still a lot of misconceptions about HIV among young people. Sex is not talked about openly. Young people are given knowledge about sexual and reproductive health, but they are not given knowledge on how to make a decision about sex.” Selokela Molamodi. (Photo: Ninara/flickr, CC BY 2.0)

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