
Comprehensive sexuality education in Zambia

Comprehensive sexuality education in Zambia

UNAIDS - "It is estimated that worldwide only three in 10 adolescent girls and young women between the ages of 15 and 24 years have comprehensive and correct knowledge about HIV.

With inadequate knowledge, young people are ill-equipped to make healthy and safe decisions about their sexual health. However, knowledge, while a crucial foundation, is not in itself sufficient to change behaviour and reduce the risk of HIV infection. Knowledge needs to be combined with the right skills and attitudes, which can be taught and developed through high-quality comprehensive sexuality education (CSE).

CSE not only plays an important role in preventing negative sexual and reproductive health outcomes, but also offers a platform to discuss gender issues and human rights and to promote respectful, non-violent relationships. However, gender-responsive and life-skills-based HIV and sexuality education is only covered in the national curriculum by 15% of the 78 countries analysed in the Global education monitoring report, recently launched by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization." (Photo: terre des hommes schweiz)

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