
Key Populations Action Plan 2014-2017

The Global Fund - This document provides outlines five strategic objectives to guide the inclusion of key populations and their needs in every step of the grant life cycle. It also provides an expanded definition of the term “key populations”.

A formative evaluation of the Gender Equality and the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identities (SOGI) strategies in 2011 concluded that effective implementation of these documents required the development of separate but linked operational plans to guide how their principles could be realized through Global Fund financing. (...)

It is not intended to amend or supersede any of these documents or other Global Fund strategies. It is designed to put into action all these commitments to meet the needs and rights of key populations: groups that have a higher epidemiological impact of a disease, combined with lower access to services, and who belong to populations that are criminalized or marginalized.

This document describes actions to strengthen the work and impact of the Global Fund in relation to key populations. Key populations are central to appropriately responding to HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. And the Global Fund recognizes the critical inputs made by key populations, and places a high value on developing an inclusive working relationship with them. (July 2014)


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