
An opportunity to end two of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases: TB and HIV

An opportunity to end two of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases: TB and HIV

UNAIDS - "The World Health Organization recently released its Global tuberculosis report 2018. Although it shows encouraging pockets of progress in responding to tuberculosis (TB) and HIV in some areas, it paints a rather bleak picture on ending the dual epidemics by 2030.

HIV is a relatively recent epidemic, having first been identified in the early 1980s; however, TB has been around for thousands of years. Archaeologists believe that TB affected the ancient Egyptians, with King Tutankhamun himself having possibly been affected." (Photo: TB & TB-MDR Detection & Treatment in Lima, Peru/ Pan American Health Organization PAHO/flickr, CC BY-ND 2.0)

WHO: Global tuberculosis report 2018

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